news - 2010

new : www.bobok.com/kaufen


buy bobok´s art by e.mail here...

auction : krisenflutschi tatütata 11 - www.krisenflutschi.de

a bobok online art-auction - exploring the "big crises"...

23.11. - 12.12.2010 www.krisenflutschi.de

krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11 krisenflutschi 11

auction: http://www.krisenflutschi.de

documentation: www.bobok.com/art/painting/krisenflutschi

eine ausstellung - als erinnerung an harald detiège

extra-exhibition : krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1

ein projekt vom m.giltjes/bobok | kuratiert von benjamin fleig - www.benjamin-fleig.de

krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1 krisenflutschi tatütata - live 1

ausstellung: 28.11. - 23.12.2010

im belgischen personenkontrollkiosk - aachener straße 261a, raeren
info@kukukandergrenze.eu | tel.: 0049 (0)241 16073655

eröffnung : 28.11.2010 - 14.00 uhr

eine veranstaltung des KuKuK V.o.G. im rahmen der Out of OSTRALE´010 belgien

parallel zu dieser ausstellung, sind arbeiten von m.giltjes/bobok
unter dem titel „bambi tingel tangel - angsthasenparade“ bei der
Out of OSTRALE`010 belgien, vom 26.11. bis 23.12.2010 im alten schlachhof - eupen zu sehen...

eröffnung : Out of OSTRALE`010 - 26.11.2010 - alter schlachthof - eupen

www.ostrale.de | www.bobok.com | www.krisenflutschi.de

installation : bambi tingel tangel - angsthasenparade

update - 30.11.2010

bambi tingel tangel at Out of OSTRALE. Eupen

bambi tingel tangel - eupen bambi tingel tangel - eupen bambi tingel tangel - eupen bambi tingel tangel - eupen


25.11.2010 - 1

relaunch www.ehdoering.com

elizabeth hoak doering

concept / design / realisation
partner: elizabeth hoak-doering
link: www.ehdoering.com

25.11.2010 - 2

trailer - niederrhein-kult.de

concept / camera / music / realisation
partner: kulturraum niederrhein
link: www.niederrhein-kult.de


hinter der wand ist nichts - online crossover - pheist.net / bobok.com

hinter der wand ist ist nichts

follow on : hinter-der-wand-ist-nichts.bobok.com



during the opening of gvoons project "zweitausend zeichnungen inhaftiert" bobok performed with gvoon at "epicentro art" berlin 10.09.2010

full dokumentation: www.gvoon.de/paintings/2010/hsh

relaunch www.niederrhein-kult.de (formerly : cultclick.eu)

relaunch - cult-click.eu

co-concept / design / realisation
partner: kulturraum niederrhein / omoc interactive - www.omoc.de
link: www.niederrhein-kult.de


audioproject - k12

soundscapes for G V O O N´s project "zweitausend zeichnungen inhaftiert" at the "gedenkstätte berlin hohenschönhausen" - 10.09 - 03.10.2010

k12 - by bobok

concept, idea & music by m.giltjes/bobok
partner: gvoon www.gvoon.de

downloads (mp3)

bobok-K12-soundscapes-for-gvoon-2010-1.mp3 - 20:23 min - 29,4mb
bobok-K12-soundscapes-for-gvoon-2010-2.mp3 - 10:40min - 15,4mb
bobok-K12-soundscapes-for-gvoon-2010-3.mp3 - 8:38 min - 12,4 mb


trailer - krisenflutschi tatütata 8

03.08.2010 - 2

artdirection / realisation - pink turns blue - promopictures - storm

pink turns blue - storm pink turns blue - storm pink turns blue - storm

03.08.2010 - 1

artdirection - pink turns blue - new album - storm

pink turns blue - storm

new album storm will be out on september 10th

Shoplink: coming soon

16.07.2010 - 2

premiere - my dear, something mettwurst crash / parts

my dear something Mettwurstchrash / parts
montage by stefanie körner / www.pheist.net

first exhibition of parts of the crossover-project with stefani körner at the "U-Boot-Gang" Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg. (08.07. - 11.07)

many thanks to matthias lehnhardt and stefanie körner

INFO: www.mettwurst-crash.de

16.07.2010 - 1

Artdirection - Pink Turns blue - 7-inch Vinyl-Single "Storm Rider"

Pink Turns blue - 7-inch Vinyl-Single Storm Rider

Stroblight records - productinfo

Following their triumphant headliner gig at this year's Wave-Gotik-Treffen in Leipzig PINK TURNS BLUE announce their forthcoming new album "STORM" (to be released in early September) with this exciting advance single: the double-A-side 7-inch vinyl single "Storm Rider" / "Run From Me", strictly limited to only 300 copies!

Classic PINK TRUNS BLUE Wave-Rock, full of melancholy and power, bursting with emotion and driving as always. A timeless beauty. Don't miss!

Shoplink: www.strobelight-records.com/s_rec/webshop/pd1275314758.htm?categoryId=156


bambi tingeltangel angsthasenparade


bobok´s cross-media-installation "bambi tingeltangel angsthasenparade" will be presented at the "fettschmelze" during ostrale 010 - 27.8. - 19.9 - ostragehege, dresden...

ostrale010 : www.ostrale.de


visuals - concept and realisation - Pink Turns blue - at wgt 2010 - 22.05.2010 - leipzig

pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok pink turns blue - wgt 2010 - by m.giltjes/bobok

thanks to: mic jogwer, reini walter, brigid anderson, rübi walter, andreas plappert, ++++++


coop rogge/bobok coop rogge/bobok coop rogge/bobok coop rogge/bobok

new works arrived: cooperation with dieter rogge

more infos soon


bobok "picture interview" featured in kikked! 5

kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview kikked! 5 - interview


Kikked! 5

kikked! 5 - featuring m.giltjes/bobok

Kikked! is an online magazine catering for all forms of contemporary art, including music, photography, film, animation, graffiti, tattooing, and much more.

This issue is Kikked!’s first birthday, and we unveil our new logo, custom designed by the artist Dillon. Dillon is pictured on the cover. We also have interviews from stencil artist Jinks, dutch VJ artist VJ 249_k, Fred from Lua Records talking about their recent Deep Trip Trilogy tribute to Timothy Leary, and German artist Bobok, who gives Kikked! our first ever picture interview.

Music comes from Italian rock band Magdalen Graal, the Speaker Junkies, and Din-A Testbild. We feature a selection from the Kikked! Facebook group, including photographer Andrew Parmi.

Also included are the recent DocsBarcelona and Animac film festivals in Spain, the upcoming International Neo-Surrealism exhibition in Portugal, Ostrale 010 in Dresden, the 4th Convención Internacional de Tatuadores in Bogota, Gaza Graffiti from Palestine, graffiti from Russia, Lex & Sten in France, Banksy, and Verdensteatret bringing their elecro-mechanical animation machine to perform in China.

Bonus material comes from Magdalen Graal, with "Tomorrow", VJ 249_k, with an 8-minute "Demo 2010" video clip, and a 14-minute fractal promo video for Lua Records "Drop Out" album.

Kikked! comes in English and Spanish, and is free to view online or available to download as PDF, or digital download containing extra material.


trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIcvtsvNQRg


nettetaal.de - new website by bobok.com

www.nettetaal.de - new website - realisation / concept / design
partner: dialect communication / wolfgang linneweber www.dialect.de
link: www.nettetaal.de


coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge coop with dieter rogge

cooperation with dieter rogge - presentation planed at GaDeWe - Bremen 05/2011

more infos soon


Supernova / Neinomat 2

Supernova / Neinomat 2 - das paradies

open in new window


aep-formate - m.giltjes/bobok

www.aep-formate.de - new website - realisation / codesign
partner: martin müller / www.heyoka.eu, anne müller / www.anne-mueller.net, culture net / www.culture-net.eu
link: www.aep-formate.de


gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok gg 19 minuten - 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok

videoloop (remixing the grundgesetz) - gg 19 minuten - for a culture net presentation at "deutscher präventionstag - berlin 2010"


bobok - new studio

new "bobok´s" ready to rock!


krisneflutschi tatütata - live

krisenflutschi tatütata - invitation - (re)evolution
25.09 - 26.09 düsseldorf
we try to develope a kind of "krisenflutschi live-art-event-performance" ... something.....
more infos: www.der-kongress-bloggt.com


Pink Turns Blue - m.giltjes/bobok

Pink turns blue - special Show at the wgt 2010 - confirmed
saturday 22.05.2010,  Werk 2, leipzig
Pink turns blue are headlining a festival with  Raum 41, Joy/Disaster  Luxury Stranger,  Escape With Romeo and  Chameleons Vox


m.giltjes/bobok supporting gvoon - alles moegliche m.giltjes/bobok supporting gvoon - alles moegliche m.giltjes/bobok supporting gvoon - alles moegliche m.giltjes/bobok supporting gvoon - alles moegliche m.giltjes/bobok supporting gvoon - alles moegliche m.giltjes/bobok supporting gvoon - alles moegliche

gvoon : alLesMOeGLiCHE - exhibition - setup & support
partner: arthur schmidt - gvoon
link: www.gvoon.de


duo nadelohr - m.giltjes/bobok

www.duonadelohr.de - new website - realisation / concept / design
partner: duo nadelohr (kerstin & henning)
link: www.duonadelohr.de


mziekbiennale niederrhein 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok

www.muziekbiennale.eu - website-"reactivation" - realisation / concept / design
partner: ingrid misterek-plagge - kulturraum niederrhein e.v. / claudia holthausen - kontakte für kultur
link: www.muziekbiennale.eu


andreas hetfeld / website by m.giltjes/bobok

www.hetfeld.nl - new website - realisation / concept / design
partner: andreas hetfeld
link: www.hetfeld.nl


ostrale 2010 - m.giltjes/bobok

ostrale´010 - new website - realisation / concept / codesign
partner: martin müller - www.heyoka.eu / andreas mause - www.omoc.de / stefanie koerner - pheist - www.pheist.net
link: www.ostrale.de


cult-click.eu - m.giltjes/bobok

cult-click.eu - new website - realisation / concept / design / project-development
partner: kulturraum niederrhein / kult / zuiderlucht / ingrid misterek-plagge / wido smeets / andreas mause www.omoc.de
link: www.cult-click.eu


rgenten 52 - m.giltjes/bobok

regenten 52 - new website - realisation / concept / design
partner: wolfgang linneweber - www.dialect.de
link: www.z-immobilien.de/regenten


michikomoto.com - m.giltjes/bobok

michi komoto - new website - realisation / concept / design
partner: ulrike brinkmann - www.bk-w.de
link: www.michikomoto.com


several webprojects - concept / design
partner: hans gerd bleckmann - www.bleckmann.de

frohe weihnachten...

alles anders: neustart plus plus december 23 / 2009

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